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Watch Stoker 2013 Full HD Movie


Watch Stoker (2013) Full HD Movie

Watch Stoker (2013)
  • MOVIE page: Stoker (2013)
  • Rate: 7.0/10 total 28,879 votes 
  • Genre: Drama | Mystery | Thriller
  • Runtime: 99 min
  • Filming Location: Smyrna, Tennessee, USA
  • Gross: $1,702,277 (USA) (3 May 2013)
  • Director: Chan-wook Park
  • Stars: Mia Wasikowska, Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode | See full cast and crew
  • Original Music By: Clint Mansell   
  • Soundtrack: Stoker Piano Duet #1
  • Sound Mix: Dolby
  • Plot Keyword: Female In Shower | Character's Point Of View Camera Shot | Mourning | Basement | Connecticut
Writing Credits By:
  • Wentworth Miller (written by)
  • Erin Cressida Wilson  contributing writer

Stoker TRAILER 2 (2013) - Nicole Kidman Movie HD Stoker 2013 Official Trailer HD Stoker Trailer HD - Nicole Kidman, Matthew Goode, Mia Wasikowska (2013) Stoker Trailer Ufficiale Italiano HD STOKER Trailer German Deutsch HD 2013 | Nicole Kidman 

Stoker (2013) Synopsis :

During her 18th birthday, India Stoker's (Mia Wasikowska) life is turned upside down after her loving father Richard (Dermot Mulroney) dies in a horrific car accident. India is then left with her estranged unstable mother Evelyn (Nicole Kidman). At Richard's funeral, Evelyn and India are introduced to Richard's charming and charismatic brother Charlie (Matthew Goode), who has spent his life traveling the world. He then announces that he is staying indefinitely to help support India and Evelyn, much to Evelyn's delight and India's chagrin.

Shortly after Charlie moves in, India witnesses him argue with Mrs. McGarrick (Phyllis Somerville), the head caretaker of the house. Mrs. McGarrick then disappears and is never seen again. Charlie and Evelyn grow closer and intimate while India continues to rebuff Charlie's attempts to befriend her. Later, India's great aunt Gwendolyn (Jacki Weaver) arrives to visit the family, much to Evelyn and Charlie's dismay. At dinner, Gwendolyn grows suspicious of Charlie's.......

Goofs: Continuity: (at around 1 hour 20 mins) When the sheriff is leaving the house, India and Charles say, "Goodbye Sheriff," and India's hair changes from neat to disheveled between shots.

Plot: After India's father dies, her Uncle Charlie, who she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her unstable mother. She comes to suspect this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives and becomes increasingly infatuated with him. Full summary »  »

Story: India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) was not prepared to lose her father and best friend Richard (Dermot Mulroney) in a tragic auto accident. The solitude of her woodsy family estate, the peace of her tranquil town, and the unspoken somberness of her home life are suddenly upended by not only this mysterious accident, but by the sudden arrival of her Uncle Charlie (Matthew Goode), whom she never knew existed. When Charlie moves in with her and her emotionally unstable mother Evie (Nicole Kidman), India thinks the void left by her father's death is finally being filled by his closest bloodline. Soon after his arrival, India comes to suspect that this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives. Yet instead of feeling outrage or horror, this friendless young woman becomes increasingly infatuated with him. Written byFox Searchlight Pictures

Produced By:

  • Michael Costigan known as producer
  • Wonjo Jeong known as co-producer
  • Wentworth Miller known as co-producer
  • Steven M. Rales known as executive producer (as Steven Rales)
  • Mark Roybal known as executive producer
  • Ridley Scott known as producer
  • Tony Scott known as producer
  • Bergen Swanson known as co-producer

FullCast & Crew:
  • Mia Wasikowska known as India Stoker
  • Nicole Kidman known as Evelyn Stoker
  • David Alford known as Reverend
  • Matthew Goode known as Charles Stoker
  • Peg Allen known as Housekeeper 1
  • Lauren E. Roman known as Housekeeper 2 (as Lauren Roman)
  • Phyllis Somerville known as Mrs. McGarrick
  • Harmony Korine known as Mr. Feldman
  • Lucas Till known as Pitts
  • Alden Ehrenreich known as Whip
  • Dominick 'Dino' Howard known as Pitts' Friend
  • Jacki Weaver known as Gwendolyn Stoker
  • Dermot Mulroney known as Richard Stoker
  • Tyler von Tagen known as Young Richard Stoker
  • Thomas A. Covert known as Young Charles Stoker
  • Jaxon Johnson known as Jonathan Stoker
  • Paxton Johnson known as Jonathan Stoker
  • Judith Godrèche known as Doctor Jacquin
  • Ralph Brown known as Sheriff
  • Tom Carpenter known as Mourner (uncredited)
  • Harry P. Castros known as Taxi Cab Driver (uncredited)
  • Roger D. Eldridge known as Mourner (uncredited)
  • Michael T. Flynn known as Bully #1 (uncredited)
  • Hanna Frankel known as Additional Voices (uncredited)
  • Colleen Helm known as Student (uncredited)
  • Danielle Ivery known as Mourner (uncredited)
  • Wendy Keeling known as Mourner (uncredited)
  • Bear Sheeley known as Mourner (uncredited)
  • William Ryan Watson known as Bully #3 (uncredited)
  • Rachel Woods known as Extra (uncredited)
  • Amelia Young known as Bus Girl (uncredited)

Production Companies:

  • Scott Free Productions
  • Indian Paintbrush
  • Fox Searchlight Pictures

MPAA: Rated R for disturbing violent and sexual content

Stoker (2013) Review by ianfarkas9 from United States
As a fan of Chan-Wook Park's Korean films, particular his gross twiston a vampire story in 2009's Thirst, I was incredibly excited to seehis first English language offering. Stoker, the first film madestateside by CWP, defiantly doesn't disappoint. This is largely due tothe director staying with what he knows, telling a story that has allthe dark hallmarks from his Korean works. However, Stoker is also lessextreme then one would expect from Chan-Wook Park, as many moments ofviolence and depravity that could have been much more over the top aretoned down.

Stoker focuses on the titular family of India, Evelyn, and RichardStoker (Mia Wasikowska, Nicole Kidman, and Dermot Mulroney). WhenRichard dies in a mysterious car crash, his oddball daughter Indiabegins to further distance herself from her estranged mother, Evelyn.After burying their patriarch, the family is visited by India's Uncle,Charlie. Charlie seems a little out there, and begins to form a sketchyrelationship with India that suggests Uncle Charlie may desire morethan family bonding.

To elaborate any more would spoil the film, but needless to say it's aninteresting premise. The story unfolds very slowly, with few dramaticdevelopments until the second half of the film, which contains muchmore wizz-bang than the somber and meticulously paced beginning. Thisisn't a bad thing, largely because the characters are so fascinatingfrom the get-go that accompanying them while they go about their day today lives is a pleasure. Even when the movie seems to be resting on itslaurels early on, the performances are great all around (in particularWasikowska's performance as distant and on-edge India). Except for afew odd holes, the script stays strong throughout, providing plenty ofgreat dialogue courtesy of Wentworth Miller (you read that right,thedude from Resident Evil: Afterlife. Who saw that coming?).

Of course, the strongest link in the chain is Chan-wook Park. From theopening scene of fragmented shots with computer generated transitionsthat occur throughout the movie, his mark is clearly laid on the film.Stoker never has an ugly moment, and each shot oozes with thatdistinctive Chan-wook flair. My personal favorite is an early scene ina basement involving a swinging light fixture (think Once upon a timein the West). The only thing that feels absent compared to CWP's otherefforts is a slew of neasea-indusing scenes whose only purpose is toshock the audience. Although Stoker has a few jarring moments (thinkshowers), for the most part its very restrained compared to Chan-wook'sother works. This is fine up until the last act, when the nature of thestory demanded for a more powerful and shocking denouement then whatwas given. So despite not quite sticking the landing, Stoker iseffectively creepy, well acted, and an enjoyable beginning to what Ihope will be a long English language career for Chan-wook Park.

Stoker (2013) Review by TheCultureSlut from Utah
Park Chan-wook has proved himself to be Korea's version of QuentinTarantino. With a slew of acclaimed films under his belt (Thirst, LadyVengeance) including a revenge cult classic (Oldboy), he is no strangerto the violent and macabre. Stoker, his first English-language film, isa bit more on the tamer side, but by far his most intellectual andthought-provoking work.

The story revolves around an 18-year-old India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska),whose father has passed away in a bizarre car wreck. His wife, playedby Nicole Kidman, arranges for her mysterious brother-in-law Charlie(Matthew Goode) to stay with the family in order to help them cope.India is skeptical of her uncle whom she barley knows, and grows moresuspicious when rumors float around saying that he is sleeping with herown mom. To say anything more at this point would be spoiling themystery behind this elusive family who all have their fair share ofskeletons in the closet.

At its heart, Stoker is a psychological thriller, and the best kind youcan ask for. The limited amount of characters and slow pacing of themovie give the audience time to reflect and peer into the minds of theStoker family.

The film is beautifully shot with eerie accompanying music composed byClint Mansel. Though it lacks the blood and carnage of previous moviesdirected by Park, Stoker is one of the best films of its genre I haveseen.

It is a suspenseful ride with more twists than your typicalroller-coaster including an ending that blew me away. I loved everyminute of it.

Stoker (2013) Review by Noel Barton ( from Manchester UK
What typically happens when a prestigious Asian Director makes thetransition to their first English language film is that the resultingfeature is a stylistically watered down, less edgy affair and the worstfilm of their career. Presumably, Hollywood studios interfere so muchthey end up robbing them of what people loved in the first place. I canfirmly say with utter relief that this is not the case with Chan-wookPark's 'Stoker'.

Stylish, artistic, beautiful, controversial and feeling much more likea movie from his native South Korea; Chan-wook Park is bang on form.All that's changed is the actors are American and speak in the Englishlanguage, and the location of course. I sincerely hope Hollywood takesnote that this is how to do it right! Don't interfere with the artistand corrupt and americanise their vision. However, I have heard therewas a 20 minute enforced cut made to the film by an editor for thestudio. Here's what the Director has to say about it:

"It's just such a different animal from what I've experienced inKorea," he says, "but it's just like how you can't really complainabout the weather in the States when you're going over to shoot a film.The Searchlight people had good taste, though. There were somedifferences of opinion, but at least they didn't make any nonsensicalremarks."

Chan-wook Park is responsible for such acclaimed movies as 'Oldboy','Lady Vengeance' and 'Thirst'. Until now at least, 'Oldboy' was hismost famous movie, and an American remake nobody wants is due forrelease soon. 'Stoker' is admittedly less violent and more subtle thanthose movies, but only because frequent action isn't suitable for thisparticular script. It's primarily a character study focusing on theloss of innocence, and I'm sure some less contemplative people hopingfor frequent action will be disappointed. When it comes to style andcontroversy though, this movie delivers and was everything I'd hoped itwould be. It's stunning to look at and almost every shot is symbolic.More often than not it's sexual symbolism regarding loss of innocence,and the same goes for the frequent symbolism in the dialogue.Furthermore, there's a wonderful Hitchcock feel to it and clearly payshomage to 'Shadow Of A doubt' with a character called Uncle Charlie.

The writer is Wentworth Miller, an actor, and this being his firstscreenplay makes it all the more impressive. Erin Cressida Wilson(Secretary, Chloe) is credited as contributing writer. Based on thequality of this movie, Wentworth Miller needs to get writing some morescreenplays, although less homage to Hitchcock would be an idea nexttime.

I also felt the subject matter was a perfect match for DirectorChan-wook Park, who's no stranger to controversial themes. It's areally rather pervy film, even if done subtly, artistically, and almostentirely non-explicitly. However, there's one particular scene I foundgloriously wrong and solidified my opinion that the filmmakers had atleast been respected and the goal of the studio wasn't to tame andamericanise the Director. However, it will be interesting if aDirector's cut comes out, or at least deleted scenes to see what cutswere made and if they were a good move making it less baggy or toningit down. The important thing as of now is that the result is a greatmovie. Movie critic Chris Tookey, for The Daily Mail, was disgusted bythe film, so it can't be that toned down. A one star review from thisman almost guarantees greatness.

The title and characters' surname 'Stoker' has obvious vampiricconnotations, so some will be wondering if it's a vampire movie. Wellit is and it isn't There are no fangs or capes or turning into bats,but the name 'Stoker' is certainly no coincidence. Vampire mythology,literature and movies are loaded with symbolism of the sexual predatorseducing the innocent. Furthermore, one of the definitions of the word'vampire' is non-literal, simply meaning a person who preys on others.Vampires are also natural hunters and killers and there's a natureverses nature aspect. These themes are essentially what the movie isabout.

Nicole Kidman plays mother 'Evelyn Stoker', and Matthew Goode playscharismatically creepy Uncle 'Charles Stoker', but there's simply noargument as to who steals the limelight and it's Mia Wasikowska (AliceIn Wonderland, Jane Eyre), as 18 year old 'India Stoker'. The actressis 23 but easily passes for an 18 year old. Her character is the mainfocus of the film and I feel she was perfectly cast for the role. She'sold enough to be sexy, yet young enough looking so you feel a littleconflicted about thinking so, and, despite her innocent appearance, hasa facial quality that you can believe hides a personality moresinister. The character she plays is deeply intriguing and her actingas a dark, sexually ripe, moody introvert was magnetic and convincing.If it happened to be awards season, I'd say she was in with a chance ofsome nominations, but then when does subtle acting as a quiet introvertever get nominations?

It may only be the beginning of March, and there's been a lot of greatmovies so far in 2013, but I think 'Stoker' is the best film of theyear at this point. It's not only the exception to the rule that AsianDirector's first English language features are watered down missteps,but it's a film I thoroughly enjoyed and left the cinema genuinelyexcited about. You know that feeling when you find a movie that youreally connect with and you can't wait to tell everyone about it? It'sone of the best feelings in the world. Produced by Ridley and TonyScott, 'Stoker' is an example of Hollywood getting it absolutely right,so please go and support it.

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